Wednesday, September 7, 2011

House Rabbits - Keeping Your Rabbit indoors

Have you thought about keeping your rabbit indoors just like other pets like cats. Well it is possible to keep rabbits inside your home as long as you make your house rabbit-proof. Before you let a rabbit into the house, decide on a room which you want to let the rabbit have access to. This will be the area where you put its cage & litterbox. You must consider the safety of your rabbit & your children if you have any occupying in your house, and make sure the rabbit area does not have any electrical cords & plugs hanging out as this will be chewed by your pet. If you let the rabbit run into the living room where the tv is present, ensure that you have taped the cords of any electrical devices onto the walls so that your pet won't mess around with them.

To prevent furnitures from being bitten you can spray some vinegar or apple cider onto the foots of your table and chairs.

Litter training your rabbit will be useful too. You can use a plastic tray or cat litter boxes which can be bought from pet stores and fill it with wood shavings with some hay. Your rabbit will get used to litter inside the tray while chewing down the hay. Sometimes your rabbit may drop a few outside the tray accidently but there's no need to punish your pet. Just pick up your rabbit and put it back in the tray to let it know where it should litter.

Finally remember to feed your rabbit and provide clean fresh water everyday.

Happy pets makes your family happy :-)

For more info on rabbit-proofing your house, I encourage you to research on the internet.
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